Free Download StyleWriter software World's Largest Writing Style, Word Usage, Readability and English Grammar Checker by Editor Software

Use StyleWriter to Uncover HIDDEN VERBS

Turning verbs into nouns makes writing long-winded and dull. When you uncover and remove hidden verbs, your writing becomes stronger, clearer and more readable.  For example:

Hidden:      Please take into consideration the costs.

Uncovered: Please consider the costs.

Hidden:      The takeover saw the reorganization of the industry.

Uncovered: The takeover reorganized the industry.

Don't let hidden verbs become a habit—uncover as many as you can.

StyleWriter's Word Bog Index

The Bog index uses StyleWriter's graded wordlist to give an accurate and useful measure of readability and writing style.  Each word in your document has a rating for ease of reading from 0 (no difficulty) to 4 (very difficult). Word Bog includes a score for the style faults StyleWriter highlights such as passive verbs, hidden verbs and wordy phrases. 

StyleWriter defines each word as either specialist or non-specialist and the formula adjusts its score and rating for different audiences (Public, In-house and Specialist) and the type of document.

Word Bog

(Style Problems + Heavy Words + Abbreviations + Specialist) X 250


Number of Words

StyleWriter's Hidden Verbs Category
Click image to enlarge!

By default, StyleWriter has the "Hidden Verbs" category selected to check your document for all hidden verbs. In this screenshot, the user can activate and deactivate the "Hidden Verbs" category with a click of the button.

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