StyleWriter's unique and revolutionary copyediting software works just like a professional, human editor. It checks and advises you on your writing style based on your target audience and writing task.
The Text Screen is the heart of the StyleWriter program, showing your key writing statistics, style faults highlighted in the text, graphically presenting your style. The statistics and ratings at the bottom of the screen summarize your document's readability and style.
StyleWriter checks a 10,000-word document in 12 seconds against a 200,000 graded wordlist and a 50,000-word and phrase style and usage checker. StyleWriter analyzes and highlights:
- Words you can change or cut to simplify your style so your reader effortlessly understands your message.
- Long, complex and wordy sentences to help you trim the fat and write in a clear and concise style.
- Passive and hidden verbs which make writing tedious, long-winded and ambiguous.
- Sentence variety which makes writing more interesting and enjoyable to read.
- Questionable words such as spelling variants and errors that fool other proofreading tools.
- Jargon such as abbreviations and acronyms, difficult, unusual and unknown words and abstract phrases that confuse and turn off readers.
StyleWriter then highlights problems, measures and rates the readability and writing style, and offers editing advice and graphs to show you where and how you can improve your draft document.
StyleWriter also finds and measures words and sentences that make the reader's job easier and more enjoyable such as: interesting verbs, nouns, names, conversational style, pronouns, direct questions and short sentences.
StyleWriter offers you professional advice to improve your writing skills.